Sunday, 29 January 2017


This year in the English class were are going to read this book:

 pilgrims: the English Puritans who sailed to New England, where they founded                      Plymouth Colony in SE Massachusetts inthe year 1620.
freedom: the state of being free or at liberty.
hunger: a strong need or desire for food.
taxes: to put or impose a tax on a person.
defeated: to overcome in a contest.
signed: a mark or symbol used as an abreviation for the word or words it represents.



            - Shells :     
                    Electrons : They are the part of the atoms with negative charge.
            -Nucleus : 
              Neutrons : With protons ,they make the nucleous of all atoms . They have 0 charge.                
                 Protons : Are part of the nucleous of all atoms , and they have positive charge.

Thursday, 19 January 2017


What will the future bring?

Resultado de imagen de sol con gafas animadoIn the year 2100 :
  • It will be new types of instruments
  • People will live in other planets.
  • Cars will fly.
  • Schools will be in the clouds or under the water.
  • Every house will have a swimming pool on the living room
  • The pens and pencils in the school will write by their own.
  • The weather will be hotter.
  • We will have alien pets.
  • Pleople will have time machines.
  • All the people will live in mansions
Resultado de imagen de instrumentos del futuro                Resultado de imagen de mansiones      

Resultado de imagen de casa bajo el mar         Resultado de imagen de piscinas en el salon

 Resultado de imagen de coches voladores