Friday, 26 May 2017


This is the work I have done with Marina, I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, 18 May 2017



Have a lie-in: Get up late
Eventually: At some later time
Have a sleep over: Sleep in a friend´s house


Fightback: Return to fight
Polite: Showing good manners;  polite , courteous.
BiteTo cut or tear with the teeth.
Shy: Timid

Imagen relacionadaResultado de imagen de polite 

Thursday, 11 May 2017


What is it?
  • Oxygen is a chemical element. It is a member of the chalcogengroup on the periodic tableand is a highly reactive nonmetaland oxiding agent.
  • Is the 3rd most abundant element in the universo.
  • Oxygen was discovered by Carl Wilhelm and Joshep Priestley.
  • At standart temperatura and pressure, oxygen is a colorless, odorless tasteless gas.
  • Oxygen is the most abundant element by mass in terrestrial biosphere, air, sea and land.
  • around 0.9% of the mass of the Sun is oxygen.
  • Medical
  • Life support and recreational use
  • Industrial
  • Science
How we obtain it?
  • Photosyntesis and respiration:
In nature, free oxygen is produced by the light-given splitting of wáter during oxygenic photosyntesis.
  • Living organims:
The free oxygen partial pressure in the body of a living vertebrate organims is highest in the respiration system, and lowest in arterial system.
  • Atomic number: 8
  • Valence: 2
  • Oxidation state: -2
  • Atomic mass: 15,9994
  • Boiling point: -183
  • Fusion point: -218,8
  • Isotopes: 3 nuclear stable and 14 unestable