Friday, 23 March 2018


  • I need to improve the speaking. I can improve it  reading books or  watching films.
    I can behave better and I can have better marks. Outside the class I go to English clases.


    I have made a prezi of Miami with Pablo Rodriguez.
    Here is the link!


    UNITS 1 AND 2:
    Hurry: Go quickly
    Fair: just
    Turned to: Moved to look at
    Advert: An announcement in the media
    Home help: A person employed to work in the house
    Take care of: watch
    Babysitter: a person who watches the children

    UNITS 3 AND 4:
    The line was dead: there was anybody on the line anymore
    Hung up: ended a phone call
    Tap: touch
    Shook hands: greeted 

    UNITS 5 AND 6:
    Embarrased: uncomfortable
    Kittens: baby cats
    Honeymoon: a holiday for a bride and groom
    Town hall: municipal building

    UNITS 7 AND 8:
    Stage: platform used to perform on
    Nude: a person without clothes 
    Appointment: a meeting at a particular time and place 
    Trust: have confidence in someone
    Jaleous: envious
    Lying: not telling the truth
    Hanwriting: a person's style of writing

    UNITS 9 AND 10:
    Fastener: a device to close something
    Childish: appropriate for a child, inmmature
    Hedgehogs: small animals with spikes
    Complaining: expressing unhappiness
    Naked: without clothes

    UNITS 11 AND 12:
    Arguing: fighting
    Selfish: egocentric
    Shinning: brigth, clean
    Smelly: smelling bad 

    Saturday, 17 March 2018


    UNIT 5:

    Disguise: To change the appearance of so as to mislead
    Lawyer: A person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for them in other legal matters
    Murder:  the unlawful killing of a person
    Smuggling: To convey (goods) secretly and illegally into or out of a country 
    Speeding: The act or practice of exceeding the speed limit
    Kidnapping. To carry off (a person) by force or trickery,
    Hijacking: To seize (an airplane or other vehicle) by threat or by force



    I have done a fruit salad with Isabel Lozano and Beatriz Sanchez.