Friday, 7 December 2018


This term I have to improve my translation, although I have had good marks is the part where  I find most dificulties.
This term we have done lots of things, some of them I´ve enjoyed and other no. The activity I´ve most enjoyed was the presentations of a social media.
Outside the school I go to an academy and I have to improve my speaking.
I´ve leart vocabullary and other tings about bullyng.
I´ve enjoyed this term, Merry Christmas!!!!!
Resultado de imagen de reno navidad dibujo  Resultado de imagen de navidad

Monday, 3 December 2018


Countables: many, a lot of, how many, few, a few.
Uncountable: much, a lot of, how much, little, a little.


Appeal: to be attractive or interesting to people.
Promote. to tell people about a service to make it popular.
Come along: get involved.
Spare: free time
Charge: ask you to pay.
Purchase: buy.
wide/ narrow(opposite)
Filthy: very dirty
Packed: very crowded